Rick's Latest Outing - It Just Get's Better.......
Had an awesome 24 hour session with my guest Jon last week, the rods were quiet till 4am when Jon landed stockie #9 really nice fish, however running around the banks in our pants in 5 degree weather meant the process was slightly speeded up.
Both of our rods were then quiet all day until late afternoon when I landed the mirror at 23lb really happy about this as a blank was on the horizon! I lobbed the rod back out with a fresh boiley on, and about an hour later it ripped off again with my first 30! Having landed three 28’s in my first full carp fishing season, a 25 and a 23, and a good selection of doubles, I was really hoping to get a 30! So happy.
Have to say, the big old girl didn’t fight like I imaged, almost swam into my net, unlike the stockie I had a week or so ago, which zoomed around like a madman, so much fun.
A big thank you to snowberry and the directors, especially Paul for all of his advice, appreciate it’s a pain in the arse and thank you for your tutoring and tips.